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everActive 6LR6 9V Pro Alkaline
everActive 6LR6 9V Pro Alkaline

everActive 6LR6 9V Pro Alkaline

Alkaline rafhlöður 1.5V

107208 everActive 6LR6/9V Pro Alkaline rafhlaða, 1 stk. á spjaldi.

Vörunúmer: 107208
Verðmeð VSK
455 kr.
90 Í boði

Nánari upplýsingar

Alkaline batteries everActive Pro Alkaline 6LR61 9V - blister card - 1 piece


  • High performance and reliability;
  • Improved Pro Alkaline series - ideal for industrial and professional applications;
  • Maximum capacity uo to 550 mAh (discharge with low resistance);
  • Excellent shelf life and leakage resistance - 5 years from the date of manufacture;
  • Available in industrial packages - shrink 5 pieces /set and consumer blisters - pack of 1.