Til baka
everActive 18650 3.7V Li-ion 3
everActive 18650 3.7V Li-ion 3

everActive 18650 3.7V Li-ion 3

USB Hleðslurafhlaða

everActive USB Hleðslurafhlaða

Vörunúmer: 139161
Verðmeð VSK
3.256 kr.
15 Í boði

Nánari upplýsingar

Innovative 18650 35200 mAh everActive battery made in Li-ion technology.

The battery was built based on the original Samsung 35E cell!

Integrated micro USB socket for direct charging.

Professional+Lithium series - ideal for professional use.
Pre-charged - pre-charged at max 30%.

The offered battery is equipped with PCM electronic protection, protecting the battery against extreme discharge, overcharging and short circuit. It is ideal for use in flashlights and other devices with a replaceable 18650 battery.